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How to win with the Danish Gambit....

...when you are a piece down!

Devon U14 Jamboree games & comments

I've recently completed reviewing the games from the West and Wales Junior Jamboree event, held this year in Merthyr Tydfil.

The booklet is a PDF which can be seen/downloaded here: U14 Jamboree match booklet 2011.

This is the latest in a series; other editions can be found here: content/junior-chess-games

Return Match against TBGS 11th Feb 2011

Another close match, well done to all!

Board 1

Why do you lose at chess?

Want to improve your chess? Start here! I have watched and analysed and commented on many junior chess games over the years, and I am pretty clear now about the most common reasons for losing a game [or drawing a game you were winning]. They are:

* missing basic tactics
* not sure what to do in the opening
* not sure what to do *after* the opening
* mistakes in finishing off and endgames

Here are some cures:


Let's chess again

pFrom the UK Chess Challengebr / a href="" title="" pLet's Chess Again:br /

Junior Chess Calendar

pJunior Chess Calendars:/p pLocal events:br / a href="" title="" pNational events:br /

The French Defence in 10 minutes

Too busy to do a proper web version watch this space... This is a very beginner's guide to the French.


I thought I had this document on the website already, but it appears not. Clearly, if you find another version here, do let me know!

Always a pleasure

It's always a pleasure to have a chance to show these games to a new generation of chess players. Dan fancied learning about a more aggressive opening, and one of the ones we looked at was Evans' Gambit.

EJCC vs Torquay Boys' Grammar 21 Jan 2011

I was unsure whether to put in a team this year, but the squad put up an excellent fight last week to lose a close match to the visitors. The return fixture is in Fenruary.

I have the scores of two games:


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