There are three main ways you can try to attack against the Two
Knights' Defence.
(A) 4.Ng5 is the most obvious, but I don't recommend it.
can win a pawn, but if Black knows the book moves, you will have to
defend against very active Black pieces.
e.g. 4.Ng5 d5! 5.exd5 b5!? 6.Bxb5 Qxd5
4.d4 is the move I recommend.
(B) There is a fun line which Black can equalise against but it's
White who is attacking: Max Lange Knight Variation
Our esteemed colleague Dan Frean asked me recently about teaching
chess in Maths lessons. In the spirit of BBC's Any Answers, I
don't think ignorance should be any barrier to trumpeting my
ideas... I'll just dump the e-mail here, and add the links and
the examples in later when I've got a bit more time.
I'm anxious not to use chess in a way that emphasises existing
in chess ability...
is not what you put in them, but what you have to leave out.
I've written a series of chess books with Tim Onions, the latest of
which will be published next week. But oh, the pain I go through
when we decide to leave out important ideas and examples. Anyhow,
if you're curious about what we might have put in if the books were a
bit longer, we have some free extra
I've just come across two splendid swipes at Irving
Here is John Nunn, in the introduction to his Grandmaster Chess, Move by Move. He
quotes a very illuminating annotation by Alekhin, and then goes on to
"Lesser annotators are often fond of propounding grand
principles, but these are often totally misleading. A typical
example occurs in Logical Chess,
Move by Move (Simon and Schuster, 1957) by Irving Chernev (I
have converted the descriptive notation to algebraic). His Game 3
Most people suggest that beginning chessplayers should play
1.e2-e4 and aim for a open, attacking style of game.
Some players may like to try 1.d2-d4. I wrote
this piece after I watched 3 out of 4 boards at a match open with
1. d2-d4, and in my opinion, played it poorly.
What went wrong here? Play over this game twice, once fairly
quickly to see how it went, and then again slowly to see what went
on in more detail, and think of other ideas.
Here's another trawl of typical mistakes, this time from the first
20 moves of each game of the WECU Minor Championship at Exmouth in
Easter 1999.
The games are appended with notes mostly from DR: "out of book"
is Fritz' comment, and Fritz has also blunderchecked the games.
Let’s first have a look at which openings were played:
Note for visitors: the Minor section has a grade ceiling
of BCF 100 (ELO=1400, USCF class D), and the intermediate has a
ceiling of BCF 125 (ELO=1600, USCF class C).