1923-1945: From the archives

From Exeter Chess Club: 1895-1961 by Richard Hitchcock

"In 1923 the membership was 41.  The Club " received the great honour and pleasure of a visit from Sir G.A. Thomas, the British Chess Champion.  In a display of 19 simultaneous games he won 13, drew 3, and lost 3.  It is with great satisfaction that the Committee can report that Sir George expressed the hope of renewing acquaintance with members of the club on the occasion of his next visit to Exeter.

"In 1938 the club moved to 35 Southernhay East.  In 1939 the Club spent 18/— on an outside notice, " Exeter Chess Club. Open Daily. Club night Wednesday ".  In 1940, at the request of the police, "Exeter" was deleted, but in spite of this precaution the building caught fire in the blitz of 4th May, 1942.  Its upper parts were wrecked and much of the rest badly shaken. (...)

"The first formal Championship of the Club was awarded to W.H. Gundry in 1908 (although a handicap tournament was established in 1907).  The County Association had been asked to supply a championship medal on the understanding that it would be " suitably engraved at the expense of the Club " but it does not appear that Mr. Gundry got more than the promised Guinea.  As regards the tournaments, in 1901 " your Committee are of opinion that unless these contests are decided more quickly they are almost useless.  (...) If a similar competition is held this season it is to be hoped each competitor will make every effort to complete his games ." This pious hope has often been repeated." 



From the minute book:

"AN Other sends his apologies: unable to attend because of the blackout. "

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