7.30pm kickoff, in the small bar
Positions attached to the middlegame and escapes sessions
16th July Middlegame gym
Middlegame gym
"What I think might be quite good is to take a few positions – possibly not highly tactical ones – but then just look how you come up with candidates and plans etc
23rd July Opening Workshop
Openings Workshop 2013
Bring your opening problems for discussion.
30th July Lucky escapes
Lucky escapes
"examples, not necessarily from top class games, of occasions where the player retrieved at least half a point from an apparently lost position. We are all, I guess, wearily familiar with playing in a lost position and being slowly ground down to defeat, but I'd be interested to discuss do some problem-solving around positions where one player wrested victory - or at least a draw - from an apparently hopeless position"
2nd August
[No session - British Championships]