Winning Chess for Computers, Super-humans and Mortals...
Charlie Keen emerged triumphant from doing battle in Torbay, equal first with 4½/5, and came home to show his last round game to Fritz... who thought he should have done better! It's enough to make you despair... Do you really have to analyse as well as Fritz? Or play as well as Capablanca and Alekhin? I think the answer is 'None of the Above'... but if you can get a bit better at either tactics or manoeuvring, then that would help!
Charlie Keen emerged triumphant from doing battle in Torbay, equal first with 4½/5, and came home to show his last round game to Fritz... who thought he should have done better! It's enough to make you despair... Do you really have to analyse as well as Fritz? Or play as well as Capablanca and Alekhin? I think the answer is 'None of the Above'... but if you can get a bit better at either tactics or manoeuvring, then that would help!