
Techie bits

The main thing to notice is that several of the games and positions are available as Portable Game Notation (PGN) files, which can be downloaded from the The games and most of the annotations can be found in the PGN block provided on every page and played through offline using a chess database or PGN viewer. In the PGN block there is also a link for you to view the games in a web page, no downloads required.


pXBBCode+ - para tags still not working as suggested and PGN headers are mangledbr / Lines and paragraphs break automatically./p p[p]br / Apparently OK code gives error message:br / warning: array_shift() [function.array-shift]: The argument should be an array in /usr/local/share/drupal/modules/xbbcode-6.x-1.2/xbbcode_list/xbbcode_list.module on line 97./p pscript type="text/javascript" var pgn4webURL = "";

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