Opening Workshop 2014

Work in progress...

How to decide if the Dutch Defence is good for you -------------------------------------------------- Just taking the Dutch Defence as an example...

Do you think it suits you? (Do your friends think it suits you?) Do the ideas you read about go into your memory? Do the ideas you remember actually turn up in your games? Do you get good results with it? Do the results in your games have anything to do with the opening? Can your opponents avoid the lines you like to play?

Rook and Pawn endgames strike back

I've done more than one session on this topic in the past, so the
examples are all already on the website, but some pointers for newcomers
might be helpful:

A. Many Rook and Pawns endgames can be judged as win or drawn at a
glance, some are more critical. Some basic cases with one side a pawn
up have been worked out and must be learned:

1. Philidor's position shows how to draw when your King has control of
the Queening square.

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FEN2diag.pl: a Perl script to convert FEN chess positions to human-readable diagrams

FEN2diag.pl 1.0

A Perl script for converting FEN position notation into a human-readable
8x8 chessboard diagram (or rather, a 10x10 diagram useable with the
Alpine typefaces, Linares/Hastings/Zurich).

It's not pretty but it's useful and it works. Developed after
discovering no obvious way to get diagrams into printable game
annotations on an Ubuntu system.

[I expect there is some alternative magic involving TeX but it was beyond
my skills and patience.]

Exeter Club Championship Rapidplay Tournament 2013-2014

Updated 5th June 2014 (Championships completed)

Please join me in heartily congratulating Dave Regis who won the Championship outright with an unbeaten 5/6!

Giles Body claims second with 4.5/6 - again unbeaten - a great result to add to his triumph in the club's Rapidplay Championship, which he "blitzed" with a jawdropping 8.5/9. Well done Giles!

Many congratulations also to Jonathan Waley who achieved a splendid joint third (with 3.5/6) despite having the third-lowest grade in the tournament - he is awarded this year's General title.


Exeter 4-2 Teignmouth 15th March 2014

Exeter 4-2 Teignmouth 15th March 2014 (W) Paulsen (186) 1-0 (181) Brusey (B) Regis (176) 1-0 (160) Ingham Waters (165) 1-0 (139) Gorodi Frangleton (153) ½-½ (133) Doidge Marjoram (146) 0-1 (123) Tidy Dobber (136) ½-½ (119) Ariss Exeter, away and fielding a stronger team than of late, beat a rather less highly graded team from Teignmouth on Saturday, but the match looked like it was going to be a victory for the home side for most of the afternoon. The normally solid Will Marjoram handed his opponent a Rook early on and


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