Dr.Dave's Adventures at East Devon, 2013


I've lost my last 5 games of chess and familiar doubts about my chosen hobby are pressing. I could park my grade and retire to publishing and coaching, but that's not an admirable way to behave. Besides, having lost my last 5 games, my grade wouldn't be quite as wonderful at the end of the season, so, time to shape up!

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[Event "East Devon Open"]
[Site "Exeter"]
[Date "2013.03.01"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Regis, David"]

A French Encounter

[Event "ECC"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2013.02.12"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Body, Giles"]
[Black "Earnshaw, Terry"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C02"]
[PlyCount "90"]
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 {The Advance Variation, usually leading to a slow and
mysterious struggle on the wings.} 3... c5 4. c3 Nc6 5. Nf3 Qb6 (5... Bd7 {
is my preference.}) (5... Nge7 {and}) (5... Nh6 {are also played.}) 6. Be2 (6.
a3 {John Watson} 6... c4 (6... f6 {John Watson I have suggested this move as a

Move order

Just a little practical example of something I often talk about: move order in analysis.

If you have a good idea, try it with a different order of moves: it might be even better!

For example:


We were on display last Sunday at CCANW [ http://www.ccanw.co.uk/ ], and one of the things I thought to show the crowds was Kriegspiel - one form of chess that might count as a spectator sport. It's a sort of a cross between chess and battleships. We had a go on Tuesday night with Jeremy, Charlie and Jon.

Opening Workshop 2012

Two open gambits

Richard was interested in the Urusoff Gambit and Eddie in the Scotch Gambit. Gambits offer a pawn for fast development and/or control of the centre. I approve very much of this way of playing, and it's the first thing I offer juniors as an alternative to playing Old Stodge with both White and Black in every game.

Here's a starter for each:

Endgame workout

Endgames are worth taking seriously - you can get extra points and
half-points by improving your endgame play.
Some endgames turn up rather often, certainly more often than some
of the odd bits of opening theory we end up looking at sometimes.

There are bits of theory to know, but as always the thing is to test
your understanding and practise.

The things you need to know are widely available, not least from our
website, so I won't trot through it all, just give some examples.

Summer Coaching 2012

Summer Coaching 2012

Suggested programme so far - watch this page for updates!

19 June Open session - bring along a game (or preferably send one to me in advance)

26 June Endgame workout

03 July Open session - bring along a game (or preferably send one to me in advance)

10 July Isolated Queen's Pawns - what's that all about?

17 July Open session - bring along a game (or preferably send one to me in advance)

24 July ...

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