This page happened because I wanted a place to store these positions,
but my well-behaved chess databases refuse to do things like
accept a position without a King (see below).
For example, I have had trouble entering this one on a database:
Simon Webb in his book Chess for Tigers identified the "secrets of swindling":
(1) Be objective. The first prerequisite to a swindle is to be objective enough to realize early on when you have a lost position and start playing for a swindle while your position still has resources. If you wait until your position worsens and becomes hopeless, it will be too late.
"Failing to plan, is like planning to fail.” ― Stephen McCranie
Test positions in PDF with comments about planning in general
Remember, this is more a guide of how to play positions where you have no idea what to do to start with; if you understand the opening systems you play better and better, that shouldn't happen so often!
Test positions and suggested solutions in PGN file
Positions attached to the middlegame and escapes sessions
16th July Middlegame gym Middlegame gym
"What I think might be quite good is to take a few positions – possibly not highly tactical ones – but then just look how you come up with candidates and plans etc